Okay, so I had a really bad day yesterday. My nausea started again on Wednesday, and yesterday it was awful. Plus, I have been battling some sort of sinus thing. It’s been great. Well, we were supposed to go hear the heartbeat yesterday. (did you notice the “supposed to”?) Johnathan had the bright idea of calling first because of the first time my appointment was canceled. It was actually a great idea because Dr. Perales had just been called away and wouldn’t be back. I almost cried right there. My heart was broken. All the build up and no punch line. It really stunk. With extra time on my hands, I wandered around a few stores before meeting Johnathan for dinner. My first words were, “I’m having a moment, and you are just going to have to let me have it.” While I was reading the menu, everything sounding mucho gross, I just started crying (stupid hormones). My precious husband wanted to hold my hand, but I couldn’t (I would have totally lost it). I choked down some mushroom soup and called my mom to cry all the way home. See, right now, aside from feeling sick and tired, I don’t really feel pregnant. I wanted, needed, something tangible. A heartbeat. A picture. Something. Something to tell me that everything’s going well. But I guess I’ll have to wait until Monday (rescheduled the appointment). Maybe this is a blessing. Sometimes, you can’t hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks because it’s not strong enough or the baby’s not close enough to the instrument. Maybe the 4 days will make a difference. In any event, God knows better than I do so I will just have to trust.
Less Sickness
I think my belly doubled in size over the weekend. Is that possible? Especially this early? The bigger pants that had extra space last week, are snug this week. Ugh. I weighed sometime recently. . . I’m so tired my days run together. . . and I was up 2 pounds. Of course, that could have changed. . . one way or the other. . . since then (judging by my belly this morning, I’ll lay odds on upwards). As far as feeling icky goes, the last few days have been much better. If I was the “worrying sort”, that might have me concerned (now everyone that knows me will be calling to make sure I’m not worrying myself sick). Most women would be elated, but I’m nervous. I am having a little tummy trouble right this second, but that could be attributed to the leftover kung pao shrimp I had for lunch (sooner or later the spicy food has to go, right?). The cramps have subsided. I firmly believe it was a digestive thing. Nothing to panic about (got that, Dad??).
Donna and Barry bought Johnathan a book called “My Boys Can Swim” (yes, he loved it. . . was there a doubt?). All I wanted to know was did it explain to him that he needs to rub my feet more and not argue with me. . . even when I’m being unreasonable? It doesn’t. . . but it’s still a cute book.
We bought the official, live Christmas tree last night (the artificial one is in the bonus room). After riding home with the smell of tree sap on Johnathan’s hands, we went through the arduous task of getting it in the tree stand. At the conclusion of those 30-45 minutes of my life that I will never get back, I said, “Well, that was an irritating process.” And Kylie said, “Only for a pregnant woman.” Smart aleck.
9th Week
Yeah, no puking yet, but sometimes I really want to. I’m miserable. . . but it comes and goes. It has to be the worst thing ever to sit in front of a plate of food, knowing that you have to eat, and really, really, really not wanting to. Ginger ale and Preggie Pop Drops have become my best friends (Kylie bought me the drops as an early Christmas present). I’m making shakes for breakfast with a protein mix. That’s going pretty well so far. So I’m getting at least half of the protein I am suppose to get on a daily basis (hey, I’ll take what I can get).
I am really looking forward to getting this first trimester behind me. . . for many reasons. First, the risk of miscarriage goes down. Second, this nausea will end (at least I pray it does). Third, I’m supposed to get some energy back. I haven’t run in almost 2 weeks. I’m starting to feel like a big slug (although I still haven’t gained weight. . . I fluctuate up occasionally about 1 pound but then come right back down). I fell asleep on the couch last night around 8:30. Having a really long weekend for Thanksgiving was great. I slept a lot. (I wonder if my boss would allow naps at work.)
I guess the only symptom that has me a little baffled is cramps. I have them almost daily now. Sometimes they’re sharp, sometimes a dull ache. I have read that this isn’t exactly rare so I’m not worried. It’s just weird. I haven’t had any spotting so it can’t be all that bad. For now, it gives me a good reason to lie down and put my feet up. ;)
Before I forget (because apparently I’m having issues with that right now), my mother took a little offense to my comment about wanting to “take her out” (read Protein and Pants if you need to catch up). She wasn’t truly “offended”; she just asked me about it 3 times on the day she read it. So sorry, mom. I do love you, honest. . . even when my blood pressure shoots through the roof. ;)
Okay, I think that’ll do for today. By the way, someone tell my husband that if my memory is getting so bad, stop asking me what we bought people for Christmas last year. It makes my head hurt. ;)
Thanksgiving and a Long Weekend
It’s been a while since I updated the site, and Angie has told me that she’s not posting until I post, so here I go. I guess this goes back as far as Thanksgiving. It was great. Angie’s mom was in town and the ladies went shopping for maternity clothes. At first I thought it was kinda early, but I knew that they were excited about it (at least afterwards) and Angie said they were very comfortable, so that’s good. Angie’s mom spent a good amount of time hemming Angies pants, and preparing for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving itself was good. It was Angie, Kylie and me, Angie’s mom, my mom and barry, my brother Matt, our friends Vern and Barb, and Kwane and Bianca. It was expecially cool to be able to celebrate in our new home. There was way too much food which worked out well for the following days and nights. Surprisingly I never got sick of the food. Mom made green bean caserole, Angie made Spinach Madeliene, and Angie’s mom made turkey and chicken ‘n dumplings. They were all great.
Angie and I had a four day weekend, so I ended up using it to get a lot of stuff done around the house, and force myself to sleep in as much as possible. That was nice. No alarms, no early appointments. I got the garage cleaned out and somewhat organized. I’d like to put some cabinets in the garage for storage and because I think it will look good. We moved some large rocks from the lot behind us, and put them in the flower beds up front. Then Kylie and I worked on a castle that she had to build for her World History class. I’ll upload a picture later, but I think it turned out pretty nice… working draw bridge and all.
Angie is doing well. I know she feels sick from time to time, but she hasn’t thrown up yet. She is mainly just tired, and I’ve noticed a few times where her memory doesn’t seem to be as great (though I’d never tell it to her face). We are in the 9th week, which just seems amazing. The baby is no longer a little pea sized blob… but more like 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch . Angie is looking forward to the second trimester when she is supposed to get an energy boost! That way she can get back to laundry, cooking and cleaning. (Hope she doesn’t read that part.) Oh well, at least I don’t make her do it barefoot.
Quick Update
So with enough salsa, I was able to eat the entire breakfast burrito this morning. And at lunch, the mexican pizza from Taco Bell went smoothly. Those bigger pants are going to come in handy. ;)
Protein and Pants
Protein is disgusting. All of it! Steak, chicken, eggs. . . all nasty. Well, they are good until I get about halfway through my meal, at which point they become absolutely repulsive. On the upside (at least for the baby), I can’t stomach the thought of coffee anymore. But what’s a pregnant woman to do when her body is rejecting things that the baby needs?? Sonic shakes seem to be going down pretty well. My next endeavor involves going to GNC for protein mix and flax seed. I’ll be making shakes at home I guess. Four more weeks of this part, right??
Finally. . . the tight pants had to go. Kylie was tired of me having to unbutton them on the way home. My mom brought me 3 pairs that are just a bigger size. Those should last for at least another week. ;) But then mom and Kylie ganged up on me. The dragged me to a maternity store, kicking and screaming. Okay, it wasn’t quite that dramatic, but I did complain a lot. Eight weeks is not pregnant enought for maternity clothes! The salesperson was laughing at us and wouldn’t get into it. I was content to leave with the stretchy thing that she offered me to help me keep my unbuttoned pants up. But the two females in my house wouldn’t stop there. They started grabbing pants (I flat refused shirts. . . no need to start wearing those tents yet) and shoved me in a dressing room. It was so overwhelming (except that little belly pad thingy so you can see what the clothes will look like months from now..that was fun). They kept piling on the pants. I must have tried on a hundred pair. At one point, my mom told me to hurry. (I think that is the closest I have been to wanting to take her out since my adolescence.) I eventually had to suck it up and admit that there were some cute pants, even the adjustable ones that start with a yard of bunched up material to give you “room to grow”. But what got me to agree to purchase them was the fact that I could actually breathe in them (amazing concept). The salesperson was still stifling her laughter as she folded two bags of clothes.
Mercy Childrens Clinic – Birthday Bash
We had the opportunity to attend Mercy Children’s Clinic Birthday Party, thanks to our close friends Rich and Leigh. Both Angie and I had a great time. The food and music was good, the friends are great, and the cause is one close to our hearts. Mercy is a non-profit pediatric office, offering medical care to all children, but especially to those un-insured or under-insured, and those on TennCare. They focus on treating the entire person; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We have met the staff through a couple volunteer opportunities, and they are all great.
The event was fantasitic. It consisted of dinner (the pork was awesome), live music, and a silent auction. Somehow I managed to avoid dancing, but we did walk away with a couple rounds of golf (never a bad deal) and breakfast with Tree63. The funds are targeted to help Mercy expand beyond their office in Franklin, into surrounding areas within TN, and eventually beyond. If you are looking for something local to get involved in either through volunteering or through financial support, Mercy is top notch and on our short list.
What is up with my mouth??
The word “argh” comes to mind. One thing stops and another starts. God has an amazing sense of humor. . . unfortunately, I’m not laughing. The blah feeling has been better for the last couple of days, not completely gone, but better. Now, I have this nasty taste in my mouth. I tried to describe it to Johnathan this morning. It tastes like I just woke up and haven’t brushed my teeth yet, but now I’m thinking it’s more like I woke up with a hangover and haven’t brushed my teeth (or what I remember that tastes like. . . it’s been a long time). So drinking my orange juice this morning was a mixture of that and orange juice, which, I have to tell you, was worse than orange juice and toothpaste. It’s pretty gross. How am I supposed to eat and sustain this miracle growing in my tummy, when nothing tastes good? Maybe this is God’s way of making me appreciate the delivery more. . . .I’m not sure that it’s going to help.
When I got to work this morning, I made oatmeal. Just the smell told me that it wasn’t going to mix well with this rankness going on in my mouth. It’s in the trash in the break room. I was forced to go to McDonald’s and get a McGriddle and a hashbrown (it’s a hard life). But now my teeth all feel like they’re wearing little sweaters (don’t complain, you chose to read this. . . take the good with the bad). Good news is I won’t have to eat anything again for a couple more hours. The bad news is the only lunch I have left in the freezer is salmon in dill sauce. We’ll see how that goes.
First Trimester Blues
It’s all worth it, it’s all worth it….my new mantra.
So far, my pants are cutting off my circulation, I hate fish, and I want to fall face first into my keyboard. I have already gained 2 pounds (if you’re thinking about getting on to me for worrying about this, you can stop reading now). At this rate, we’re looking at 70 pounds…and that does not account for the rapid gain at the end. From what I have read, 2-5 pounds in the first trimester will suffice. Yeah, I’m only halfway through that and already at the bottom of that scale. argh No, I’m not going to deprive our baby of what it needs, but I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t need extra 5-layer bars and pumpkin cake (although they are mighty tasty). ;)
Salmon is officially off my list. yuck Eggs and I have a love/hate relationship…depends on the day. And I love all of the advice about exercise. How the heck am I suppose to exercise when I can hardly hold my head up? I was planning to get up and run tomorrow morning, but I hear it’s going to storm. (I hate it when that happens.) I’ll do my requisite run on Saturday though. Every little bit helps. ;)
And what’s the deal with sleeping? I’m already exhausted. Making a baby is hard work. But then, I can’t sleep. Oh, I have no problem going to sleep. It’s staying asleep that isn’t working. I wake up all tangled in the sheets. Poor Johnathan is happy to keep one corner of the comforter at this point. I toss and turn, and my arm lands on unmentionables that are very painful at the moment, which jolts me from my slumber. Then, I have to go to the bathroom. Then, that flippin’ alarm goes off…again and again. The snooze is not long enough.
We went to a bonfire on Saturday. Johnathan and Kylie loved it. Me, not so much. The company was great, but I stayed in the house the entire time. The smoke smell was way too much for me to handle. They were both wearing wool coats (yeah, soaks it up real nice). Not to mention Kylie’s hair, while very beautiful, is very porous. On the way home, their jackets rode in the trunk. My family is lucky that it’s illegal to put people in there (although I remember a time when my MeeMaw made me and my cousin, Keisha, do that…but that’s another story). Their coats are still hanging in the garage. They love me.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I hear that the 2nd trimester rocks. I get 3 good months out of this deal…and a little miracle from God. I guess I can take it.
Temper Tantrum: The fun we have to look forward to
If this is what temper tantrums are like, then it might actually be entertaining. I doubt our dogs would handle it quite as well though.